Moving to Germany!

My time here at Bethel has been some of the most impactful years of my life. I have grown more than I thought possible and been overwhelmed in the best way by the love, power, faithfulness and goodness of God. Every time I thought that I had begun to grasp the depth of God in an area He would show me how I had only scratched the surface.  I come to the end of this year trying to sum it up and yet I find myself speechless in light of who God is. So many times in worship I have found myself unable to sing because of the reality of the goodness of God simply took my breath away. He is better than I could have ever hoped. Being fully aware that I am someone who bores easily I think one of my favorite things that God has spoken over me this year about Himself is that He is never boring, that I could explore who He is for my whole life and then eternity and I would never be bored. Finding out more of who God is, is my greatest adventure in life. With that I am so excited to tell you all about this next season of my life.

Beginning in my first year at Bethel I started having dreams at night about working with Awakening Europe and going to their  stadium event in Nuremberg during the summer. To be honest at the time the dreams were almost frustrating because I did not understand why all these things were being highlighted to me. The cost of flying to the event seemed way to high and it didn’t seem like this could actually become a reality. However, with Gods persistence of bringing it up and my tax return, I spent the money to fly to Germany for 7days.  I was assigned to kids ministry for the week, and helped out in the ministry tent in the evenings. It was so powerful to see so many people get touched by God to see people encounter His love and yet I still was unsure as to why God had called me here, to this event at this time. During the event I got word after word saying it was for my future, and that God was creating connections. The night after the event ended I dreamt I was looking over blueprints for Awakening Europe with one of the leaders, planning for future events. The thought of working with Awakening Europe was so amazing, and yet seemed so impossible in my mind. I didn’t know at the time how God was planting these seeds in my heart to prepare me for what was actually going to become reality. Throughout this year God has continued to be persistent with this dream to go to Europe. At times I tried to push it aside to try and make way for a more logical 3rd year internship, God used several of my closest friends to keep me on track. They continually called me out when I tried to create back up plans and reminded me of what Gods word over my life was. And here I find myself, in 2 months I will be moving to Germany to intern for Awakening Europe, living out the dream God placed in me. The week I found out I got the internship I cried myself to sleep almost every night because I was so overcome by Gods goodness to me. I couldn’t keep the tears from flowing as what seemed so impossible to me only months before was now placed in my hand. I know that whatever is to come in this next year that I can fully lean on the faithfulness and goodness of God knowing that His hand has led me to this place.

As my time here in Redding is coming to an end I find myself in this place of being so excited for this next season but at the same time experience so much sadness in leaving the place that has become home for the past 2 years. It is not easy to say goodbye to a place that has impacted me so greatly and people who I love so much! The memories in this place are some of my favorites and allowing my heart to get ready to leave has not been the easiest of experiences. Yet in all this I know that I am 100% called to go to Europe and it truly brings so much life to my heart. I never thought I would have this opportunity, and God has opened door after door after door for me. In it I have learned how much I can trust God. Earlier this year God told me that whenever I face worry or stress I actually have a choice, that because His heart for me is never for me to be worried or stressed whenever that feeling comes up I can choose to have a heavenly perspective instead of a worldly one, I can choose what seems unrealistic to the world. In planning for moving to Europe the opportunity for worry or stress has come up.  To be honest I put off starting a gofundme (to raise support) for the longest time because I was scared of trying to raise the money, of putting my heart and my dreams out there for people to invest in. In that place God spoke to me telling me that I do not have to twist His arm and strive to prove to Him that He should provide for me, but that it is the joy of His heart to help me. That He so desires for me to go to Europe, that He loves to provide for me. Trusting in God and stepping out and taking risk often does not look wise in the natural but it attracts Gods heart to see His children putting their lives in His hands.

I have learned so many things in this past season but the ones that stand out the most right now are; God is always better than good, I can always trust God and live in His abundant peace, and that His love for us goes far deeper than what my mind can even begin to comprehend.

The total amount of money I need to raise for Germany is $15,000. I have already been blessed with some generous donations that have shown Gods faithfulness to me in this already. If you would like to give you can visit my gofundme account

I am so thankful for everyones prayers and kindness over these past two years. I am so excited to continue to share my journey with you as I move to Germany


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