Living Powerfully

Living as a powerful person.

These past couples weeks we have been learning and reading about being a powerful person and what that truly entails, what it looks like to live powerfully.

It all begins in our minds.

Living powerfully or not living powerfully has extremely impactful ramifications for our lives. We are all familiar with the powerless thoughts that enter our mind, the lies which try to disguise themselves as truth “I am not attractive enough” “I am not smart enough to pass that class” “I am not bold or brave enough to speak in front of anyone” “I am not experienced enough to lead” “I am not as accomplished as I should be”…and the list goes on.  These things can feel like they stick to us, they impact our mood, our relationships, how we view ourselves, how we live our lives. They can feel entrapping; as if you have no control over these accusations. But a key word in these statements is “feel” and while the feeling can be strong, it ultimately does not have control over us. Recently God gave me a picture that these lies we encounter are like Velcro, they feel as though they are stuck to our skin, but in actuality we can just pull them off of us and throw them away. We, as powerful people get to choose what we believe about ourselves, we get to choose what ideas we entertain in our minds. God reminds me that HIS TRUTH is the superior truth – what He says about me, about you, trumps what the enemy or the world throws at us.  As a powerful person I choose what to set my mind on, do I set my mind on what God says or do I listen to the other voices. It is a discipline of the mind, just as we trained ourselves to listen to and value the lies, we now must shift our focus to listen and value the truth of what God says. We must continually align ourselves with His Truth, that we are beautifully created, our hearts are valuable, we have the ability to have a profound impact on our world, and that we are loved with a love that destroys all darkness and all lies.

We cannot let ourselves become a victim of life, but rather choose to live empowered, choose to take responsibility, choose what and who we make a priority, what we set our minds on and what we allow into our lives.

Phil 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

May our thoughts towards ourselves be true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.


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