Living as a Daughter

 I am not sure where to begin in describing my past 4 months at BSSM. Little did I know that in moving up here I would enter into such a beautiful season, that I would be planted in a community that loves, empowers and truly lives out what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It has been a life changing 4 months, of which I am so thankful for, and leaves me with so much hope and expectation for the remainder of the year.

One thing that has specifically been on my heart lately is the empowerment that comes from seeing ourselves as God sees us, the unique gifts and passions that He has instilled in our hearts. I have been so encouraged to continually return to the place of how God sees me, a view that does not alter when I stumble or make a mistake – His delight in me remains. What a beautiful thing it is to hear Our Father, the one who spoke us into being delight in us.  When my actions flow from the place of being His, of being His daughter, of being loved by God, then the striving ceases and it flows out of that place of intimacy. It reawakens the ability to dream, for in that partnership the things that the world deems as impossible become possible through His eyes. He cares so deeply about our dreams, He loves our hearts and what makes us come alive - the world needs the things that He has placed in us.

BSSM has encouraged me to speak even when I feel my voice is trembling, to allow the woman God has made me to be to shine.  There are so many things in the world that come against our identity but I am strengthened by the never wavering fact that I am a daughter. God knows the desires of my heart, and He has called me by name and in every circumstance I can find peace and fullness of joy in His presence. 


I have so much expectation for what God is going to continue to do as this New Year starts. I love that partnering with God means I get to share His love with those I encounter. It is so beautiful to see peoples live change, to see their hearts filled with a new hope when they encounter Gods love.  Living in relationship with God and remaining in His presence opens the doors of possibility to see our world changed, each person, no matter what they have done or not done, is so uniquely precious to God. He is not deterred by any darkness but seeks that none be lost, that all find them themselves as His Sons and Daughters. To be loved more completely than we could ever imagine.  I pray, I and we continue to see others as God sees them, to not be deterred by the dirt that is obvious, but that we would look at the heart, at the one God created and draw out that beauty. I smile as I think about the beauty, the passions and dreams God has created in each one of us, and how beautiful it is when we live as He has called us.


In March I have the wonderful privilege to go to Tijuana, Mexico and partner with what God is doing there. I am so excited to share the overflow of love that God is pouring into me. I know God is the one going before us and preparing the city for what He is going to do, and is continually doing. I am so blessed to be able to be a vessel of Gods love and I cannot wait to love of the people of Tijuana. I would love it if you would partner with me during this time. That you would be praying that this would be a rich and fruitful time for the people in Tijuana and that we would always be in step with what God is wanting us to do.
I am so grateful for all those who have been generous to me already – your support and belief in me is so meaningful and I thank God for your kindness.

If you would like to support me on this trip, I need to raise $350, and January 8th is the deadline for $100 of that.
Here is a link for those interested in donating:

Below is a description of the trip:

Tijuana has been a life changing experience for every student that has gone. We will be based out of a camp that Bethel has been coming to every year for 10 years. There is Revival breaking out among the local pastors who have set up a network of churches including the Ensenada area. Teams of BSSM students will minister as worship leaders, children’s ministers and have opportunity to preach, teach and give words of knowledge in local church meetings. Open Heavens are over the area and there is expectancy for the supernatural in the community. We will also minister on the streets with prophetic art, treasure hunts, drama and many other forms of outreach. We will visit the legendary Revolution Street for a large evening crusade using various local churches to assist us in reaching out to the lost. This is a time of experiencing community on a team, personal freedom and God breaking out. Come and experience being used by God to love the poor, love on tons of children, heal the sick, the blind, the lame, and encourage Pastors as we partner with them to see Revival change a nation. We will end the trip with a blow up service at a sister church in southern California, hang out on the beach and enjoy how good our God is.

I pray that each day you would continue to see yourself more and more in line with whom God says you are, and that you would abound in joy as you dream with Him. 


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